MIU pro­vides an award of 30% off the cost of tu­ition for both the on­line and on cam­pus pro­grams for the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories of mil­i­tary and vet­er­an stu­dents:

  • Ac­tive Duty
  • Re­serve Mil­i­tary Vet­er­ans
  • Spouse/De­pen­dent of Ac­tive Duty or Re­serve

To re­ceive this schol­ar­ship, the ac­tive duty or re­serve ser­vice mem­ber, vet­eran, or spouse/de­pen­dent of ac­tive duty or re­serve ser­vice mem­ber will have to com­plete the MIU Schol­ar­ship ap­pli­ca­tion and show proof of ser­vice. The MIU schol­ar­ship com­mit­tee is in charge of re­view­ing every ap­pli­ca­tion and eval­u­ating com­pli­ance with the schol­ar­ship cri­te­ria.