Leaves of absence

We understand that life events can sometimes get in the way of your studies. Our policy regarding leaves of absence is designed to give you the flexibility you need in those moments, providing the opportunity to return to your studies when you’re ready without compromising your academic progress.

To request a leave of absence, students must fill out a form and submit it to the appropriate authority: the Dean or, in their absence, the Associate Dean.

The university may make an exception for students with a medical emergency (such as a car accident) or military service. These types of cases will only be considered when the student returns to their academic program within a maximum of 120 days.

Acceptable reasons to request a leave of absence:

  • Jury duty.
  • Military service.
  • Circumstances included in the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA):
    • For the birth and care of the newborn child of a student.
    • For placement with the student of a child for adoption or foster care. 
    • To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition. 
    • When the student has a serious health condition.

Generally speaking, students cannot take more than one leave of absence during a 12-month period. However, it may be possible to request a second leave of absence as long as the total leave does not exceed 120 days in one year.

Students can also request non-consecutive leaves of absence for the same reason (for example, a serious health condition that requires multiple treatments). This type of leave will only be permitted when there is a reasonable expectation the student will return to the university following their leave.

At MIU, we understand that students request a leave of absence due to extraordinary life circumstances. For this reason, as long as the student complies with the time period established, there is no additional cost for taking a leave of absence. However, if the student overstays their leave, they will be charged a re-enrollment fee when they return to their studies.

If a student does not return to their studies following their leave of absence, the charges will be billed to their account in accordance with the refund policy. All refund and cancellation policies will be applied based on the student’s last day of attendance at the university.


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