See all our legal clauses on this page.
To offer you maximum transparency, you can see each of the purposes and the legitimate bases that underlie the data processing in accordance with your capacity as a data subject in the section below:
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Sending of commercial information regarding other degrees offered by the data controller or any Proeduca Group company.
Precontractual measures (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Handle and manage the data subject’s information requests via different channels.
- Verify the admission requirements for the degree applied for.
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Disclosure of data via the sections: “Suggestions mailbox, “Request information, “Contact us (Shall we call you?)”.
- Profiling of the subjects’ personal data so as to personalize the sending of information according to their interests. Should you wish to access further information, click here.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Sending of commercial information concerning other degrees offered by third party entities belonging to the Proeduca Group that operate in the academic sector.
- Live broadcast of academic communications or marketing events (graduations, conferences, seminars, congresses, etc.), for the publication of the data subject’s image.
- Management of events through the recording of the event in question and its publication on the webpage, corporate platforms, and social networks for the publication of the data subject’s image.
- Publication of photos, videos, and student information on Social Networks (YouTube and Facebook Live) to promote student enrollment, for the publication of the data subject’s image.
- Publication of photos, videos, and former student information on Social Networks (YouTube and Facebook Live) to promote student enrollment, for the publication of the data subject’s image.
- Streaming of classes and delayed coverage when an indeterminate group of persons specifically appears.
- Management of national and international mobility programs for students.
- Publication of students’ comments in surveys concerning the services.
- Process the enrollment of students in the volunteer work program in the Campus Solidario (Humanitarian Schemes).
Precontractual measures (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Verify the admission requirements for the degree applied for prior to student pre-admission.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Management of student registration and completion of academic record.
- Manage certain student services by means of the university card.
- Management of email accounts and access to the campus.
- Assist the student with regard to their academic needs via the student pedagogy and orientation service.
- Process tutorials.
- Academic and logistical management of curricular practices.
- Management and supervision of curricular and extra-curricular practices, together with the management of the employment service during the degree course.
- Management of economic assistance and grants.
- Registration of guests at events.
- Student collection of university or master’s degree.
- Processing of user registration and access to the webpage.
- Manage subsidized online training activities.
- Manage payment of training activity fees.
- Manage student certificates as volunteers for acknowledgement of credits.
- Student service regarding special academic needs, such as disabilities or accessibility issues.
Compliance with a legal obligation (article 6.1.c) GDPR)
- Handle students via the Students’ Ombudsman and process their complaints, claims, or suggestions
- Analysis of the satisfaction with, and quality of, the services and products by means of surveys conducted by the data controller and the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), in keeping with the Organic Law on Universities.
- Assist the students with regard to any special academic needs, such as disabilities or accessibility issues, so as to ensure correct access and progress of students with accessibility issues of disabilities (Law 10/2014, 3 December, on accessibility and the Organic Law on Universities).
- Recording voices and images during the presentation of the doctoral theses as part of the management and archiving for academic purposes pursuant to the provisions of the Organic Law on Universities and Royal Decree 99/2011 dated 28 January covering official doctoral teaching.
Fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university, together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public University events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative acts (Inaugurations, Signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, Institutional Awards, Homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Recording of and listening to conversations between students and tutors to monitor them and enhance the quality and security of the service.
- Sending of commercial information regarding courses and studies similar to those already chosen by the student.
- Recording of classes streamed, and delayed viewing of same, when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail, but under no circumstance may they seek to capture a particular person but only the students participating in the classes.
- Live broadcast of academic, communications and marketing events (graduations, conferences, seminars, congresses, etc.), when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they seek to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
- Events management by recording the event in question and publishing it on the webpage, corporate platforms, and Social Networks when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they seek to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
- Publication of photos, videos, and student information on Social Networks (YouTube and Facebook Live) to promote student enrolment, when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they seek to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
- Processing of disciplinary proceedings in the event of a breach by students.
- Analysis of student data and registrations for the continuous improvement of the services and products offered by the data controller.
- Recording of voice and images of interviews during the university entrance test as part of the management and archiving for academic purposes.
- Sending of notices to students individually or as a group by email, WhatsApp, and SMS so as to coordinate and carry out the activities the student is involved in.
- Disclosure of data via the section: “Suggestions mailbox”.
- Recording of voice and images of the Final Project presentations and master’s dissertations as part of the management and archiving for academic purposes together with the documentation generated, i.e., the minutes.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Take part in the Alumni Directory using the form on the webpage.
- Sending of commercial information concerning other degrees offered by companies belonging to the Proeduca Group that operate in the academic sector.
- Publication of photos, videos, and former student information on Social Networks (YouTube and Facebook Live) to promote student enrollment, for the publication of the data subject’s image.
- Process the enrollment of alumni in the volunteer work program in the Campus Solidario (Humanitarian Efforts).
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Processing of the enrollment of former students in the Alumni program.
- Management and administration of the Alumni Portal and provision of the service to graduates.
- Management of the employment service for postgraduates.
Fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public university events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative Acts (inaugurations, signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, institutional awards, homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Sending of commercial information regarding courses and studies similar to those already chosen by the student.
- Publication on Social Networks (YouTube and Facebook Live) photos, videos, and student information to promote student enrollment, when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they aim to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Use of their image at events or courses given or taught.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Management of the contract signed for provision of the service.
- Process the student-tutor meetings for course orientation.
- Coordination of tutorials.
Fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public university events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative Acts (inaugurations, signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, institutional awards, homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Recording of the images and voice of tutorials with students to monitor and manage the quality of the service.
- Use of your image at events or courses held or taught when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they aim to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Use of their image at events or courses given or taught.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Management of the contract signed for provision of the service.
- Present the progress achieved with the research project being carried out.
- Publication of the results of the research project.
Fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Processing of the personal data used in the research project for scientific or historic research purposes (articles 5.1.b), 9.1.j) and 89 GDPR, with regard to Law 14/2011, 1 June, on Science, Technology, and Innovation).
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public university events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative Acts (inaugurations, signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, institutional awards, homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Use of your image at events or courses held or taught when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they aim to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Use of their image at events or courses given or taught.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Management of the contract signed for provision of the service.
Fulfilment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public university events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative Acts (inaugurations, signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, institutional awards, homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Use of your image at events or courses held or taught when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they aim to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Use of their image at events or courses given or taught.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Management of the contract signed for provision of the service.
- Publication of the work.
Fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller (article 6.1.e) GDPR)
- Recording and dissemination of images at public events organized by the university together with the subsequent dissemination of the images on the university’s webpage with regard to public University events, in accordance with the University Protocol Manual drawn up by CRUE on Solemn Acts (Opening of the Academic Year, Doctorate Honoris Causa and acts so categorized, in line with the university bylaws), Administrative Acts (inaugurations, signing of agreements), Academic Acts (Graduations, institutional awards, homages) and other Acts (Inaugurations, Seminars/Congresses/Symposiums/Forums, Book Presentations, Press conferences, and others).
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Use of your image at events or courses held or taught when an indeterminate group of persons appears in general. In this case, the interest of the data controller shall prevail as the images will be taken during activities carried out by the latter, but under no circumstance may they aim to capture a particular person but simply to promote the activity.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Reception and management of candidatures via the following channels: physical, personnel selection agencies, job portals, the “Join Us” section of the webpage, etc. Both by the data controller and any of the Proeduca Group companies.
Precontractual measures (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Manage involvement in all the different stages of the selection processes.
Consent of the data subject (article 6.1.a) GDPR)
- Use of their image as a data controller employee.
- Use of their fingerprint as a clocking in/out system.
- Process the enrollment of students in the volunteer work program in the Campus Solidario (Humanitarian Efforts).
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Formalization of the hiring of employees.
- Management of corporate benefits and flexible remuneration scheme.
- Management of employee parking.
- Organization of employee travel and per diems.
- Management of employee profiles, access accounts, platforms and applications.
- Management of employee training activities.
- Sending of communications and internal newsletters.
- Event management and attendance.
- Assessment of objective-targeted professional performance.
Compliance with a legal obligation (article 6.1.c) GDPR)
- Payroll management, consisting of processing remuneration payments for the employee, in keeping with the legal obligations contained in the Workers’ Statute together with any other regulations applicable for employer SS contributions and withholdings on account. When necessary, to report information to the public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Payment calculation and management of business and variable commission as applicable, in keeping with the legal obligations contained in the Workers’ Statute together with any other regulations applicable for employer SS contributions and withholdings on account. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Management of applications for reduced working hours for childcare, care of dependent people or persons with serious illnesses, in compliance with the legal obligations contained in the Workers’ Statute together with any other regulations applicable for employer SS contributions and withholdings. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Management of occupational risk prevention in compliance with the legal obligations of the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Adaptation of workstations for special needs employees or pregnant women in accordance with their condition, in compliance with the legal obligations contained in the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Management of sick leave and substitutes via provisional contracts in compliance with the legal obligations of the General Law on the Social Security together with any other applicable regulations. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
- Management of the reporting channel and assurance of compliance with the code of ethics and absence of harassment in the workplace, together with any other illegal practice, for the management of the organization and management models that include appropriate surveillance and control measures to prevent crimes of a similar nature or materially reduce the risk of same pursuant to article 31 of the Criminal Code.
- Control of employee attendance during working hours in compliance with the legal obligations of the Workers’ Statute together with any other applicable regulations for the purpose of employee SS contributions and withholdings. When necessary, report information to public authorities, regulators or governmental agencies when it is a legal requirement, under local laws or in compliance with regulatory obligations.
Legitimate interest of the data controller (article 6.1.f) GDPR)
- Publication of photos and videos on the webpage or Social Networks when deemed necessary, provided they are generic in nature.
- Events management via the recording and publication of same on the webpage, corporate platforms, and Social Networks provided they are generic in nature.
- Security management of the facilities, property, and persons using video-surveillance systems.
Precontractual measures (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Assessment, analysis, and proposal of future suppliers for the service in addition to their internal management,
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Maintenance of relations between the Parties.
Precontractual measures (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Assessment of future investors in light of current requirements.
Contractual implementation (article 6.1.b) GDPR)
- Maintenance of relations between the Parties.