MIU of­fers you the op­por­tu­nity to complete your degree 100% online, giv­ing you max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity in how you manage your learn­ing ac­tiv­i­ties.

Fully online

Our in­no­v­a­tive and flex­i­ble on­line learn­ing sys­tem, “In­ter­ac­tive On­line Learn­ing”, responds to the needs of stu­dents who would like to rec­on­cile study with professional and personal com­mit­ments.


The online program also offers the same quality degrees in a more affordable and convenient format: less cost, less travel, and more possibilities.

The total cost of completing one of MIU City University Miami’s online degrees comes in at significantly less than a typical on-campus degree:

  • Tuition: The base cost of the program is one of the lowest in the field.
  • Fees: There are fewer processing fees online.
  • Textbooks and materials: Are all provided online through the learning platform.
  • Financial assistance: Scholarships and flexible payment options available.
  • Schedules: Flexibility means you can continue working at the same time.
  • Travel: No travel or accommodation costs.

100% quality

In each one of MIU City University Miami’s online programs you will receive the same quality instruction, personalized attention, student interaction, and networking opportunities as in the on-campus programs.

MIU Online FAQ

What is MIU’s online Program?

What courses can be taken online at MIU?

All of MIU City University Miami’s undergraduate and graduate courses may be taken online. Only the Intensive English course is held exclusively on-campus in Miami.

What does it mean to study a university degree “online”?

An “online” degree means that instead of attending classes in person, you will be able to complete your degree online without having to visit the campus, giving you the flexibility to create your own schedule and study while you work. You will still participate and interact with other students, only instead of attending a class in person, it will be through weekly online assignments and discussion forums.

How do the online classes work?

Online classes are quite similar to traditional classroom-based courses. You’ll receive a syllabus at the beginning of the term so you’ll know what to expect. All of your classes—lectures, tutorials, and group work with other students—as well as your course materials, will be available through the virtual learning environment.

Is an online degree respected as much as a traditional degree?

The online degrees at MIU are the same high-quality programs that are offered on campus, with the same curriculum and academic rigor, giving you the flexibility to create your own schedule and study while you work.

Will my degree certificate and academic transcript say that I studied online?

No, your degree certificate and academic transcript will not specify that you studied online, they will simply say the name of the degree you studied and the qualification you received.

How much contact will I have with my teacher in an online course?

You may contact your teacher as you need, using the web-based conferencing system. In addition, each student will be assigned a tutor who provides personalized guidance and helps you organize and prioritize your study and practical activities. The tutor will motivate you to achieve your objectives within the established time frame, help you identify any problems, and plan specific activities in collaboration with the teachers.

What kind of assignments are typical for an online course?

Assignments vary throughout the programs. Students are usually required to post in the group discussion each week, and may need to complete individual or group projects and give presentations.

Online timing

How long does an online degree take? Can I do it faster than a traditional degree?

Online courses have the same credit load as on campus courses, so they take the same amount of time to complete. There is more flexibility, however, in how you organize your week and when you complete your study.

Can I work full time and still get my degree online?

Yes! These degrees are designed so that you can study and work at the same time. In fact, 95% of all our online students work and study at the same time.

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