Education for gifted children
Gifted or high ability student, what is the correct term? Traditionally, terms such as gifted, child prodigy or genius have been used to describe children with an intelligence quotient (IQ) equal to or higher than […]
Tips on how to use Motion Graphics
What are motion graphics? Graphics in Movement or Motion Graphics are combinations of animated text and images which create the illusion of movement to make an idea more attractive for the public and to catch […]
Recommender Systems in Big Data
Platforms such as Netflix, Spotify, Facebook or Amazon use personalized recommendation systems based on the user’s activity. Recommender systems process all the information related to users’ online activity: their preferences, their interests, the things they […]
What is Customer Journey Map?
A Customer Journey Map evaluates and analyzes each stage in a customer’s buying process to understand their experience and what must be improved in order to meet their expectations. The Customer Journey Map is a […]
Lean Management and Leadership
What is Lean Manufacturing? To start from the beginning, Lean management comes from the term Lean Manufacturing. It is a management model that aims to minimize costs while maximizing added value to your customers. This […]
Disruption in the financial sector due to new technologies
We highlight blockchain and artificial intelligence as two technologies that will introduce drastic changes in different sectors, including the financial one.   Blockchain It consists of a set of technologies that enable the decentralization of […]
Benefits of the Teacch Method in children with autism
The Teacch method was developed in the 1970’s by Doctor Eric Schopler to improve development and independence of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the classroom. This methodology has the goal of improving all […]